Style Me Green


Erika @ Style Me GreenComment

I hate split ends, they make your hair look dry and tired. If you have split ends it usually means your hair is not getting enough nourishment and moisture. Harsh shampoos, going out in the sun, blow drying, straightening, dyes, and bleaches all dry out your hair. I swear I get split ends 30 seconds after I get a haircut... but fortunately there are a few things that can help improve the health of your hair right now.

- Eat foods high in vitamins A, B, C, E and K to keep your hair from unnecessary breakage. Try adding more sweet potatoes, dark leafy greens, carrots, oranges, and plums to your diet.

- Use a natural leave-in conditioner in your hair before brushing. One of the worst things you can do is start brushing through your hair with a hairbrush when your hair's still wet. You'll end up with breakage, frizz and split ends to show for it. I use a honey leave in conditioner. Mix 2 tbsp  honey in 4 cups warm water and apply it to your hair after you shampoo/ condition.  Leave it in your hair. It will control hair dryness/frizz.

-Drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water each day, full glasses, not sips. When you aren't hydrated, your whole body suffers. Your skin and hair will show signs of dehydration, and dry hair and breakage are two of the most obvious signs.

-Avoid using shampoos that contain alcohol as it dries out hair. Use shampoos that contain natural ingredients. Excessive washing with harsh shampoos makes your hair ends dry.  Also, do not use hot water to wash your hair.

-Let your hair dry naturally, this saves energy- and if you are going to use styling tools will cut down on the amount of heat you are exposing your hair to later. Having said that, try to avoid styling tools if you can. I usually leave my hair straight and only use an iron for special events. There are natural ways to curl your hair, try rollers or a sock bun with damp hair.

-If all else fails, shave your head- JK!  But, give this egg rinse a try about twice a month. It's pretty easy, and if you are set on sticking to shampoo and conditioner it will give your hair shine and moisture without using manufactured products.

how to get rid of split ends

Egg Rinse:

Mix egg yolk in 3 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp honey. Gently massage this mask in your hair and cover with a shower cap. Leave it on for half an hour and wash it with a mild alcohol-free shampoo.